burn notice
  • jimmah7jimmah7 September 2008
    so who else was crushed by the cliffhanging season finale. almost nothing was resolved :'(
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    I REALLY enjoyed the first few episodes but around 5 I dropped off with it. I Guess it didn't feel like it was going anywhere. You make it sound more interesting than that though, so perhaps I should check it out.

    /watching arrested development atm
  • JeddHamptonJeddHampton September 2008
    The second season (and the end of season 1) brought much more of a common theme through the episodes.

    The finale was pretty bitter. The job was pretty dull... seriously, no explosions and he wasn't even shot at. Why was his brother arrested again? It couldn't be the check, because Michael paid him in cash... it could only be Claire (was that her name?). Anyway, what is that chick up to.

    I'd like to have more information to go on, but really all the clues are now puzzles in and of themselves.
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