Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Anyone else played it?

    It is, to sum it up quickly, the best game ever created.

  • MeatonMeaton June 2008
  • BlackLightBlackLight June 2008
    platystaiton n4 boo why wokay aq gake a that only a few fools inwn in ever its is ridlcilousll they shoulf be ported....worx
  • NunesNunes June 2008
    My understanding, as somebody who stopped playing the Metal Gear series after the first PS2 one, is that it starts off with an 8 minute install, and then goes downhill from there. I've heard if you're into the story it finishes up all the loose ends, but it does so with HUGE cut scenes. It also advertises for sony throughout. There was an article on Kotaku which pointed out shots of Snake using a 6 axis controller, the other guy using a PSP, sony tv's, and they mention Blu-Ray in one of the mission things.

    Why'd you like it?
  • I've always loved the cinematic aspect of the Metal Gear Solid series. This game had a huge amount of that, without a doubt, probably not nearly as new player friendly in that sense as MGS 1, but the game is filled with just amazing commitment to what it is.

    The gameplay is fantastic and sucks you in, with great sound, music, settings and voice acting and the cinematics build up on all these things fantastically. One minute you find yourself watching this hollywood like action cutscene and then bam, you are thrust into controlling snake and getting to the outcome on your terms.

    I can understand how it woudln't be everyones cup of tea, no game can be, but as next gen consol games go, this is the best I have seen so far, and I don't think will be topped in a long time.
  • NunesNunes June 2008
    legitimate likes for sure. Yeah, if the movie quality nature of the game is something you like then it's gotta be awesome. I haven't been a fan of that sort of thing for a bit.
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