Israel: Our Friendly Ally
  • NunesNunes April 2008
    SO! I'll give some background.
    Former President Carter met with some Hamas Leadership last week (catching flak from Israel's UN rep. [I think he called him a 'bigot'])

    Hamas, the evil warmongering bastards that they are, agreed to a six month ceasefire with Israel.

    Today Israel dismissed this proposal. Presumably because walking into neutral territory and arresting people while trying to slowly chomp away on the size of said territory until the map looks more like this:
    is just way too fun.
  • PsychoBudPsychoBud April 2008
    Do a little research and you'll discover Israel has made more "terroristic" attacks on other ME countries than "terrorists" have made on Western countries...and people wonder why one of the main complaints against the United States is their steadfast support of "the Zionist oppressor".

    Now I'm not saying Jews are the problem, I'm saying Israel does things we'd invade and attack other countries over, and we not only let them get away with it without mentioning it in our news in more than a passing manner, if at all, but we actively DEFEND their actions in the international theater.
  • NunesNunes April 2008
    ding ding.

    It took Israel 6 years to stir up the hornets nest enough to compromise international security. That's a new record.
  • PsychoBudPsychoBud April 2008

    coverups and such started in 1967, and continue today

    And to give you a hint at how much this disgusts me, I'm a staunch republican and so far to the right that some liberals, and most socialists like to call me "fasicst" when it comes to some of my political views, yet I'm citing a LIBERAL source for one of these.
  • NunesNunes April 2008
    Hey... that's the guy we're letting break all the laws he wants to build the Mexico wall. What a swell guy.
  • EvestayEvestay April 2008
    good god psychobud those are disturbing stories especially the second about 9/11. thankfully he doesnt provide sources or evidence so i can feel a little bit better, but it is still out of control if true.

    oh scabdates- hamas did not agree to the ceasefire based on carter's negotiations if you were implying that
  • NunesNunes April 2008
    I'm not scabdates. But I wasn't implying. I was informing, because it's true. They set reasonable expectations for Israel to stop coming into the Gaza Strip and arresting Palestinians and they would release the Israeli soldier they have been holding and they'd stop shooting at Israel.

    Israel's response was more or less, we don't negotiate with terrorists. We arrest them.

    I don't think it makes us look very good to be allies with those buttholes.
  • ScabdatesScabdates May 2008
    Scabdates, at your service.

    P.S. Israel sucks.
  • ebolaebola May 2008
    I have a Israeli roommate and he is every bit what you guys just described. I don't like to stereotype but LOL this 1 is truth. Peace.
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