Calling people who live in Suburbia
  • ohaiohai September 2009
    Suburbia creeps the hell out of me. It's claustrophobic like a city but without the anonymity through numbers, and unlike a city where there's the basic assumption people are strange, suburbia is all smiles, and that just makes it worse--Stepford Wives style. I keep getting the urge to look out one of the windows facing another house to see if they're staring my way, but I know as soon as I do, someone will come to the window that very instant, looking for their own creepy person staring towards them, and it's me. I have to leave or drink heavily to make it through the day.

    I didn't grow up in the suburbs (perhaps obviously). Are there people who like them? What's there to like?

    More generally, what do you do in the 'burbs? I feel like Tom Hank's neighbors every time I go outside or even open a shade.

    Is there a part of living in these conditions that I'm missing?
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