What is everyone doing? What is everyone up to? How is school? How is work?
I'm still working for Barclays Capital -- made the 'final' transition from Lehman Brothers, but who knows if final means final and not 'we'll keep making cuts every other month like every other bank.' I'm still dating the same girl, been going on for about a year and a half now.
Work is long -- 6:15-7:00 on a regular day. I still try going to the gym 4-5 nights a week but it's getting a little rough making it on a regular basis.
I'm still at KPMG, been there about 2 years now. I'm in the Advisory practice there, meaning I audit companies and try to help them improve their operations at a process level (not financial, so don't blame financial messes on me). After my most recent review it sounds like I'll be promoted to Senior in the Spring/Summer. Right now is our slow time as companies prepare/finalize their audit plans for the year, but during the rest of the year it's extremely busy and full of travel.
Work is pretty much my life. Have messed around with a girl here and there -- but nothing ever serious develops. I live in a townhouse with a few "buddies" I've known since high school (although they're still pissed about the DD incidient). Up until now I've always lived alone, so it's nice to save on rent each month, but we're all starting to get on each others nerves.
I am working for Chevron subsurface group in the Oil Sands. We are awaiting a decision from the bosses whether or not our project gets greenlighted or put on hold because of economic uncertainties. But we are optimistic and are working with the facilities group on planning horizontal well locations and wellpads.
I am trying to stop smoking and start doing cardio again. I still do weights a few times a week. This is day 2.
I am buying a starter home in the next 1-2 months while prices are down.
I have been e-dating redbone for the last 4 months. He will not admit to this. Our secret had to come out sooner or later, baby
I'm in graduate school still. Still trucking at that. On my second semester and I'm also teaching a lab (Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology) and taking Waterborne diseases and Public Health. My research is based on two things. Following and optimizing a method to detect bacteria that causes shellfish poisoning in raw oyster homogenate and also using this method to compare between depuration and relaying of oysters. These two methods are used to reduce the amount of bacterial load in oysters but one way is more effective than the other (relaying is more effective theoretically). If my qPCR (the method I'm trying to optimize) detects less presence of harmful bacteria in either depuration or relaying then that can be used in commercial shellfish companies to sell less harmful oysters to the consumers (long sentence, Dan you can kiss my ass).
I like this girl, Erica, for quite some time now, however she and I have been good friends for a lonnnnnggg time so I dunno how that's going to go. She also recently broke up with her boyfriend of 2-3 years (I think), so I dunno how willing she'll be up to for dating someone. But since I suck at life, I might just be friendzoned, which is ok too I guess considering she's a cute girl and fun person to hang out with o_O.
That's my life so far. Research, Teach, Play some TF2, and Research.
I'm a senior in HS...I still work at Wal-Mart, this being my second year...uhh...and I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate...I still have no luck with the girls!...I had a chance, but she used me to get back to her old boyfriend.../sigh
I'm a senior in HS...I still work at Wal-Mart, this being my second year...uhh...and I have no idea what I want to do when I graduate...I still have no luck with the girls!...I had a chance, but she used me to get back to her old boyfriend.../sigh
Used you to get back TO her old boyfriend? Or AT her old boyfriend.
I would like to know how the first example works. Do you equate giving a girl a ride to someones house a "chance"?
About to turn 25, should be done with my degree at the end of summer (instead of December as predicted!)
Still working IT at my University, but I do web design for another department now as well.
Still looking to move east coast when I'm done but I'll be here for a bit longer in the mean time. Living in a new Apartment with the same roommate as last year. Its a 2 bedroom loft so we have a ton of space.
Still with the same girlfriend that I started dating over a year ago.
Still taking classes at the local high school as a Sophomore. Still playing guitar. Still losing my phone at Slipknot/Coheed concert(s). Still playing Counter-Strike.
Damnit coffee, I guess now that its out in the open I have to give you a valentines day present:
8========================D ~~~ ()() <-- my butt cheeks
I'm in my 3rd year of bachelors of design at UF which means i'm studying to be an architect. I've been going out with my gf for getting close to a year now. School/gf are the primary factors in my life, but I still make sure I have time for playing video games. More WoW than anything else lately, but I still hop on CS every once in while. I'm still excited for darkfall, whenever the hell that game is going to come out.
Still taking classes at the local high school as a Sophomore. Still playing guitar. Still losing my phone at Slipknot/Coheed concert(s). Still playing Counter-Strike.
we'll need some clarification on this mystical process
how so? I stated that a girl, who i liked, fooled me into thinking she liked me and thereby dumping me and going back to her old boyfriend who came back to her...........
how so? I stated that a girl, who i liked, fooled me into thinking she liked me and thereby dumping me and going back to her old boyfriend who came back to her...........
1. Find guy who likes me 2. Dump guy who likes me 3. ... 4. Date the last guy I dumped again.
No worries. Soon enough you'll find that college is the same with more drug abuse, and work is the same with less swearing. I'm sure retirement's right up there too with possibly even less sex and more incontinence.
I'm 19 and this is my last semester of College in Natural Sciences (Health Department). Next year, I am going to work and maybe go in Australia or somewhere along those lines. Then I'll have to find a damn field of study and go to University !
I am still working in a IGA as a packer, been 2 years and a half, painful.
I recently got a girlfriend so I have been with her a lot and the rest of the time it's homework or watching series.
Still in college for computer information systems. should finish in about a year possibly a little longer.
And not to be a downer but my girlfriend of three years (who i was planning on asking to marry me) decided to get a 42 year old sugar daddy who pays her 7K a month (plus paying her $1,500 a month in rent and buying her a car) to be his sex slave...so we're just friends now (BTW, if you're girlfriend of two years ever tells you shes going to start stripping and you're thinking of being supportive of her wants and think of allowing it, save yourself the pain and tell her to fuck off).
Not my fault that the asian population envies the American hair colors...=/
I'll withhold judgment until I see it, but I predict that it looks more or less like it does on most Asians. A little out of place but slightly less douchy than when guidos do it.
I just hate seeing an Asian guy with hair that he thought he just lightened from "jet black" to "dark brown" which really just turned out "bright red".