• mungomungo September 2008
  • ebolaebola September 2008
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    It hasn't happened yet, and probably won't as agreed on prior to the weekend.

    Currently Dow is down about 500 points. My life has gotten unlivable, dogs and cats are living together in peace.
  • JeddHamptonJeddHampton September 2008
    Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes...
    The dead rising from the grave!
    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    This is seriously affecting MY bottom line. image/sleep.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="-_-" border="0" alt="sleep.gif" />

    /I should turn down my Monday snark levels.
  • GovernorGovernor September 2008
    In all fairness guys, you obviously wouldn't notice anything yet even if the whole country was to implode as a result of this vote. You're just hurting your own arguments by making the entire thing seem like a superficial or trivial issue, when in actuality thousands or millions of people across the country will lose their businesses, jobs, and/or homes without the help of a package like this.

    I'm not saying I support the package, but no serious opposition to this bill is taking the issue as lightly as you seem to imply with your poor attempt at wit and humor.
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    Those people are going to lose their businesses/jobs/income anyway. Just 10 years later than they should have.

    What about all the banks getting bought by... surprise surprise... other banks? The private sector, in true free market fashion, is actually managing to help a bit. And meanwhile while this bill gets reshaped over and over, wall street shits all over itself.

    I. Don't. Buy. Into. The. Fearmongering.

    It's that simple really.

    What would matter more? The remaining 2 or 3 big banks fail and don't get bought, the FDIC goes bankrupt after covering 45 billion dollars in deposits. Easily 10k jobs vanish like smoke in the wind. 250 billion dollars in deposits follow suit.


    We go another trillion bucks into debt. The market improves, bubbles because of the same lax regulations that led to this disaster, and we the taxpayers lose all that value. Our government can't borrow from China anymore, so we simply slide quietly into an earthshattering depression.

    Neither prediction holds any more water than the other. I'm more afraid of the latter though. I know what usually happens when you try and tape cards together to build your precious house. It gets all wonky, and sure it might get really tall, but eventually it just gets too fuckin' lopsided to stand up and boom, an artificially inflated house of cards comes crashing down, tied inextricably together by tiny strips of adhesive.
  • GovernorGovernor September 2008
    You're preaching to the choir here. I wasn't getting on you for your opposition to the bailout, I'm calling you out on acting like this isn't a huge deal. Thousands of lives will be ruined, and everyone in the country will be affected negatively -- a necessary evil, but certainly not something to crack jokes about.
  • JeddHamptonJeddHampton September 2008
    If you can't laugh during the hard times, humor isn't worth it.
  • ebolaebola September 2008
  • GovernorGovernor September 2008
    Why does everyone keep saying this vote was so partisan? Of course more republicans would vote against this than democrats, it's an extremely liberal plan to regulate the economy. But even still, it's not like this was a democratic blow-out. 40% of the democrats voted against this.

    I mean, Chris Matthews just blamed McCain for this bailout package failing. What the fuck? McCain gets ragged on by liberals because he put party politics aside and voted for what everyone seems to think was a democrat bill? I think this is the first time in the entire campaign that I think he's getting the short-end of the stick.
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    They're saying it's partisan because of Pelosi's closing speech, which was extremely A- partisan and B- pointless. It was no less than political grandstanding during one of the most important votes in the 110th congress...

    What's stupid is that a bunch of republicans are saying that they didn't vote for it because of her speech. Which is retarded. You can be all butt-hurt on your own time, but now your country needs you.
  • NunesNunes September 2008
    McCain said this morning on fox and friends that he might suspend his campaign again. He has to ride into DC on his raven-black stallion, sword raised to just below shoulder height, lungs booming feebly squeaking, "Lo! Yon Bailout shall not be agreed with without yon provisions set forth by mine colleagues in the GOP! Ignore the simple fact that there is no agreement reached on either side of the aisle, and nay I say to you I don't have anything to add that my republican counterparts haven't already stated, yet my presence is crucial if I am to take credit for a successful bailout!
  • NunesNunes October 2008
    Forbes Article claiming this whole bailout is a scam on the American people. It's not Kos. It's forbes image/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

    I'll actually post the link this time.

    Edit 2: I thought more about it and I think his evidence is actually a load of crap. Nobody has numbers on the last 2 weeks, and those are the weeks that you'd see these kinds of things happening.
  • KPKP October 2008
    I need to get into the market.
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