As those of you who were fortunate enough to read my web design topic know, I am starting up a website for my music writings, which frat has graciously started working on for me. The site will be hereafter known as (brilliant! i know), but one thing remains before it can shine in all its glory on the world wide web: a logo
I know in the olden days of FD I could practically swamp myself in signatures and avatars from the merry people on this forum talented enough to make sexy ones for me, so I am asking for something similar; this logo should preferably incorporate the name of the site, include some sort of musical imagery (no specific bands please), and look pretty fucking cool. Also, the colors may need to be changed as frat tinkers with the web design.
SO! the call goes out. anyone who wants to help, please let me know. if i particularly like someone's design, i might even give them head.
i'm restrained to only microsoft paint when i'm out of school. when it's back in session, and i have access to computers with adobe suite, i can whip something up if nothing is made in the next 3 months or so.
boner, i'm feeling where you're going with this. two things i don't really like, though, are the font and the signature bars in the corner. the font looks a little childish and the signature bars are corny, but the guitar and layout looks sexy. let me know