(2:18:44 AM) KillMaster2388: Sup (2:19:04 AM) schism521: chillen on my laptop while my friend finishes burning cds on my comp (2:19:05 AM) schism521: you? (2:19:14 AM) KillMaster2388: ntm (2:19:20 AM) schism521: and i'm trying to find the name of the girl in the epic boobs thing on the FD forums (2:19:27 AM) KillMaster2388: lol (2:19:34 AM) KillMaster2388: you ahve too much fee time tow aste (2:19:37 AM) KillMaster2388: have* (2:19:37 AM) schism521: black ballon i think lied, i google searched alix bromely and didn't get much (2:19:40 AM) schism521: meh (2:21:22 AM) KillMaster2388: http://www.mackanzoor.com/images/people/girls/alix_bromley/ (2:21:27 AM) KillMaster2388: way to not search (2:21:28 AM) KillMaster2388: lol (2:22:02 AM) KillMaster2388: happy now (2:22:32 AM) schism521: lol (2:22:37 AM) schism521: where did you search for that? (2:22:41 AM) KillMaster2388: google (2:22:49 AM) schism521: =x (2:22:53 AM) schism521: in images or just normal (2:22:57 AM) KillMaster2388: normal (2:23:11 AM) schism521: ah (2:23:25 AM) KillMaster2388: i searched Alix Bromley (2:23:31 AM) KillMaster2388: and i clicked on the first result it gave me (2:23:54 AM) schism521: ind33d (2:23:55 AM) schism521: i fail. (2:24:00 AM) KillMaster2388: hahahahaha (2:24:43 AM) KillMaster2388: http://www.fdassault.com/index.php?showtop...&#entry7919 (2:24:46 AM) KillMaster2388: check this now (2:25:31 AM) schism521: lol (2:25:32 AM) schism521: touche