Helping kids pass SAT's
  • NunesNunes February 2008
    Pass mark for SAT to be lowered to prevent students from failing.

    ignore the redundant headline in the actual article. adding a brand new section to the test that separates reading from writing wasn't enough to somehow keep kids from fucking up at life. So what do we do? Lower our standards. USA! USA! USA!
  • Black+BalloonBlack Balloon February 2008
    Additionally, requirements to pass the California High School Exit Exam have been dropped quite a lot because a bunch of Latino chicks were too dumb to meet the old ones.

    It's as if the US is trying to encourage (and damn near enforce) mediocrity. And then celebrate it copiously.
  • NunesNunes February 2008
  • dandan February 2008
    This is amusing, simply because we're discussing this kind of stuff in my Government class. Falling standards due to public laziness, etc.

  • GovernorGovernor February 2008
    This thread was in trouble of being completely lame, but Andrew has won the internet with an Idiocracy reference.
  • redboneredbone February 2008
    I couldn't finish that. I wanna say that it's fake as well.
  • BillBill February 2008
    A couple of minor issues... Last I checked the SAT's didn't have a pass mark... Aka, whatever you get is your score but not on a pass fail basis, and is only important in relevance to which school you are applying to. Also, if you read the actual article... Things like "But the Tories accused the Government of "fiddling" the figures." and the fact that they're talking about 11 to 14 year olds, and Ministers, and what have you... I'm pretty sure they're talking about a different test, from the UK. So, not the SATs that we all know and hate, but the Sats, in the UK... So a different test, in a different country. I think.

  • BlackLightBlackLight February 2008
    yeah, plus its a UK website.....
  • Black+BalloonBlack Balloon February 2008
    I would like it known my post pertains solely to the US, and is really just poking fun at the general decline in expectations... because upon reviewing it, it seemed ambiguous.
  • redboneredbone February 2008
    I smell... $5 being bet on this being called a test.
  • NunesNunes February 2008
    I understood it as a british news source flaming the us for it's failing education system. But the whole reason they added a new section to the damn thing was to see a rise in averages. It didn't work so I figured they were fiddling with the numbers to make us look better while the last sentence of the article says that more british students are doing poorly and they don't try to hide it.
  • BlackLightBlackLight February 2008
    but the article has nothing to do with america....
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