Quick easy read, just do it. (If I'm mis-interpreting this article, this statement is going to haunt me.)
If I am correct in what I think is going on though... The whole pulling Aborigines away from their families is a really gutsy move. And one that I don't agree with at all. My belief is that their culture should be respected and that they should be left to their ways.
How did you misread that so badly? All they are doing is apologizing for what happened in the past.
I got that they were apologizing for it, and saw the time-frame at which they did it. I just thought it was an interesting little tid-bit of history that I was completely unaware of and thought it would be fun to open a discussion on the ethics of what they did. I get that my grammar looks like I think this is happening present tense, but thats sleep deprivation for you =(
What I really want is to see is peoples beliefs on the concepts, even though it happened in the past.