Hi everyone... I had a WoW problem... I just couldn't control it, the urge to play and get phat lewts... But then I finally got the courage to join WoW Anonymous. Slowly I moved away from my addiction and began to learn more of this rl thing. Now I couldnt be happier, I have lots of free time, and generally the women find me more attractive.
oh hey that's a priest with horrible armor that can heal people let's target him!
but seriously, you're in a bg, do you target the moonkin first?
I dont play WoW anymore, not until my arena teammates start playing again (probably by mid december). I rarely do dmg in bgs even as shadow, we're on one of the best BGs in the world, people are smart enough to target priests rather than warriors.
Better not use Microsoft products since they get so much attention. Better not use Google because it gets so much attention. Better not use iPods since they get so much attention. Better not live in America since it gets so much attention.
FYI: There's a difference between making fun of something and making fun with something. Comedies are going to obviously generally use things that people will recognize. I bet most of the people who watch South Park know and/or play WoW.