The guys from Penny-Arcade started a charity organization several years ago to help provide gaming systems, board games, video games, and other smiley-giving apperati to children's hospitals and hospital wards across the US. Today the effort supplies goodies to hospitals across the globe. You can check out for full details on the hospitals that are being supported, the history of the charity and other items of interest (like tax id #'s for your tax deduction for giving).
I think we have, in general, a great little gaming community going here at FD . I know personally I've gotten a ton of pleasure from hanging out and discussing our hobby with people who are knowledgeable and passionate. Child's Play is a great way for us to be able to give back in such a way that is directly in-line with our interests.
I'd like to encourage everyone that can to step up and donate as much as they can. The money that represents a couple frozen coffees or dvd purchases to you and I can mean hours of joy and relief for a sick child.