"NO! fuck off and get out of the fucking store you consumer whore."
Customers piss me off when they come in on Black Friday and have the fucking nerve to complain about waiting in the lines, or not getting a "Voucher" item because they were the 50th person in line. Fucking idiots.
PREACH GACHI!!!! I know what that is all like. Been doing it for 3 years now. Hate Retail and holidays. ALKSDFASLKDJFASDLJFASLJF!!!! /angry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":angry:" border="0" alt="angry.gif" />
We need to have a day, as retail associates, where we can be dickheads to customers like they are to us. It's not my fucking fault you drove out here and have to wait in line you ignorant fucking bastard! /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> IF I was you, I'd stay the fuck home and sleep!
Stop all your fucking crying I got to get up at 2am be in at work at 3am the store open at 4am and i have to deail cleaning up after people all day and doing carry outs till 11:30am LOL so eat it all LOL
Cleaning, vs helping the morons find their stupid shit and listen to them whine when you tell them something is sold out... Hmm, I'd rather clean. I'd rather clean the fucking bathrooms all day. I work 4am to 4pm.
Cleaning, vs helping the morons find their stupid shit and listen to them whine when you tell them something is sold out... Hmm, I'd rather clean. I'd rather clean the fucking bathrooms all day. I work 4am to 4pm.
i going to come in after i et out of work and walk up to you and be god dam it why dont you have anymore fucking of what ever item i not like to buy for shit a giggle
everyone should work in retail during the holidays at least once. so that way they fucking know what's up. some fucker had the nerve of me to say....
Me: Do you need help finding anything? Faggot: No. But it would help if you open up both registers. (he's at the back of the line) Me: (slightly irritated) They are both open, sir. Me: (in my head) FUCKING JAGOFF I WILL SHIT ON YOUR CHEST AND MAKE YOUR SON EAT IT
I was sooooo tempted to call him a dick, just because he's at the back of the fucking line does not give him an excuse to be a fuggin twat about things.
Me How can i help You Dick Head : OMG were the fuck are those cheap ass dvd players Me Sold out sorry Dick head OMGZ You fucking suck Me Sorry sir anything else i can help you with .. Dickhead Will you be geting any more in Me yes but they wont be this cheap again sorry Dickhead OMGZ WTF is with that Me ANything else today Dickhead No Me Have a great Day Sir Me 5 sec later Oh look at this 10 case of DVD players found right around the other side of the big display i was standing in front of