Fantasy Football Round 4
  • BlackLightBlackLight July 2011
    Now that the NFL lockout is officially over, it's time for the real (read: fantasy) season to start. I know a lot of people don't come around the forums including myself as much as even last year but there's always been good response here for fantasy (we had 14 teams last year which is impressive). Let me know if you're interested and I'll set up a Yahoo league again.
  • JonobonoJonobono July 2011
    I'll play.
  • KPKP July 2011
  • mungomungo July 2011
  • PheylanPheylan July 2011
    I'm going to destroy you all again.
  • JAmmYJAmmY July 2011
  • WedgeWedge July 2011
  • AlfyAlfy July 2011
    in, gonna suck, but I will try.
  • BlackLightBlackLight July 2011
    two more and we're in business
  • MagicMagic August 2011
    I'm in!
  • MagicMagic August 2011
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    the league from last year has been renewed. In case you don't receive an email from Yahoo, the info is:
    League ID#: 466560
    League Name: Forbidden Donut
    Password: govisshort

    Draft is tentatively set for Aug 28 at 9:30PM EST
  • KPKP August 2011
    I was invited but when I go to join it either says expired or league is full.
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    Hmm other people have joined so try joining it yourself by going through the Join Custom League option on yahoo and not the e-mail invite. Also make sure everything is spelled/punctualized right
  • xemplarxemplar August 2011
    I'm in.
  • JonobonoJonobono August 2011
    This is the copy and pasted error I got:

    There was a problem
    There is not room in this league if all teams from last year return. To join, get the commissioner to increase the maximum number of teams, or remove teams that will not be returning. (Error #638)

    I wasn't in last year, so if you have all returning players thats fine. Let me know if you get another spot though.
  • JAmmYJAmmY August 2011
    Yeah, I can't get in either. What's up? Scared?
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    I increased the max number although that shouldn't have been a problem bc theres ten teams atm and a 14 max. I changed it to 18 so try again.
  • JAmmYJAmmY August 2011
    Got in, thanks.
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    The draft is set for this Sunday (28) at 9.30 PM eastern time. Hope to see everyone there!
  • JAmmYJAmmY August 2011
    Won't be there. Goodluck autodraft!!!
  • mungomungo August 2011
    How about a postponement due to Irene?
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    oh totally forgot about that. Yeah I'll move it back
  • KPKP August 2011
    can you reinvite me with a different yahoo address?
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    we'll have an odd number but if you can get someone else yes.
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    the info is above you can search for it yourself
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    Draft is Tues, Sept 6. 8:00PM eastern time
  • KPKP August 2011
    signed up but need one more i guess?
  • BlackLightBlackLight August 2011
    Yes and if someone doesn't join in between now and Tuesday you will recruit a friend :0
  • BlackLightBlackLight September 2011
    KP if you don't find someone to join between now and tomorrow afternoon I'll have to delete you
  • BlackLightBlackLight September 2011
    hey just kidding i found someone. DRAFT IS TODAY 8:00 PM EASTERN
  • NunesNunes September 2011
    Defensive player weirdos. Let's do this.
  • BlackLightBlackLight September 2011
    hilarious i forgot my own draft
  • xemplarxemplar September 2011
    lol....barely remembered myself, Rudy...haha...I came into the draft after I had already auto drafted two RB's...haha
  • JAmmYJAmmY September 2011
    Did I have first pick? Fucking Arian Foster. WASTE!
  • MagicMagic September 2011
    Apple Bottom Jeans had the first pick and auto-drafted AP...Foster was auto-drafted second. Speaking of auto-draft, there was a lot of that going on, which made for a quick draft - I think the whole thing took 40 minutes (14 teams, 17 rounds....about 6 picks per minute).

    Only 4 people were logged in when the draft started, and then Xemp joined late making it 5, nice turn-out.
  • PheylanPheylan September 2011
    Yeah...fuck my like for missing the draft. Should be interesting season. Awesome that I got 3 inactive players.
  • xemplarxemplar September 2011
    @Magic.....I joined like 5 minutes after it started...geez...doesn't help I was under the influence and barely remembered...:P
  • CheezzypoofCheezzypoof September 2011
    I was at the Cleveland Indians game or I would have been on
  • JAmmYJAmmY September 2011
    Yeah, I was busy getting drunk off of Scotch.

    Winning. I fucking hate Foster and Miles Austin. Glad they were my top picks... WINNING.
  • JAmmYJAmmY September 2011
    Well I fucked up again. Had work and a bachelor party this weekend and totally forgot. It sucks working All day Sundays, can't enjoy football...

    Also, I need to start drafting RBs from teams I hate. First year, Clinton Portis hurt most the year, last year Ryan Grant out for the year and now this year fucking Jackson. BULLSHIT. I call I get to draft Forte and ADP.
  • AlfyAlfy September 2011
    So yeah, I am glad that the Lions are having solid early season. Glad I can say I from MI this time of year.

    In other news, I wish I had tried to get Stafford.
  • BlackLightBlackLight September 2011
    stafford my man
  • NunesNunes October 2011
    Jesus. Who was it that stuffed my own foot up my ass and broke it off this week? I'm just plain embarrassed.
  • BlackLightBlackLight October 2011
  • NunesNunes December 2011
    On the bright side, I'm in the playoffs in all the other leagues I'm in... Your old school no-flex policy is killer.
  • BlackLightBlackLight December 2011
    championship #2 coming in HOT
  • Rogue_WarriorRogue_Warrior January 2012
    I took 3rd and 4th in my leagues this year
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