MLG Columbus
  • redboneredbone June 2011
    It's been an awesome SC2 tournament. I should have put something up earlier for those interested, tonight is the last night. But there are players from all over the world involved, there have been some great games, and its always enjoyable watching the high level commentary.
  • dandan June 2011

    y u no finish the game?

  • redboneredbone June 2011
    I'm so upset with the way that he performed. I lost pretty much all respect I had for him.
  • dandan June 2011
    Eh, he's so cocky, I was hoping he would lose a lot earlier in the competition. Losira is pretty amazing though. I loved watching his games.

    It's pretty impressive how Koreans had the top 3 spots. The foreigners still have some catching up to do.

  • redboneredbone June 2011
    Yeah I really enjoyed Losira's games as well. And yeah we're way behind Korea. It will be interesting to see the impact this tournament, and the MGL GSL trading has a on a more global view, or if the North American players still focus so much on local tournaments.
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