Trump's Roast
  • ErlingErling March 2011
    Hopefully there'll be a Youtube up as soon as possible. The guy from Jersey Shore was so unbelievably terrible it was embarrassing to even watch.

    Anyone else see it?
  • ErlingErling March 2011
    And he was completely saved and rescued off the podium by Jess Ross.
  • KPKP March 2011
    Why are you watching the Roast of Trump. That is the question.
  • ErlingErling March 2011
    TV was on Comedy Central -- have it on as background noise. Most of the people are being highly amusing.
  • I heard trump slammed Larry king.
  • KPKP March 2011
    @Rogue_warrior in the ass! ohhhhhh
  • GovernorGovernor March 2011
    I really enjoy watching roasts, even though I think the quality of the average comedy central roast has decreased significantly in recent years. I'm always hoping to see another amazing moment like this:
  • ErlingErling March 2011

    Think this it; having some issues with Flash on Ubuntu.
  • GovernorGovernor March 2011
    Oh my goodness. This is amazing...
  • KPKP March 2011
    I don't even know if I can watch it lol
  • MagicMagic March 2011
    oh wow...
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