Alfy is a fag
  • yarrick22yarrick22 May 2010
    So i got this invite from Alfy on facebook about a free iPad. The description read...

    "My boyfriend showed me this a week ago - after he got HIS FREE IPAD.

    The company sends you an iPad and a questionnaire you have to fill out and send back to them - and you get to KEEP THE IPAD FREE!
    You can get it here - "link removed"
    I dont know how many people will get this - but I can't see them having THOUSANDS to give out - so be quick if you want your free ipad!"""

    read the first line: "My boyfriend showed me this a week ago..."
    Thanks for letting us all know you're a fag when it comes to apple products. With your facebook being hacked, you may want to rethink telling ppl how secure your compy is...
  • Brian invited you to "I got a FREE IPAD - here's how you can do it too!" today.

    Brian says, "yoo - i got mine from the other day! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!".

    Event: I got a FREE IPAD - here's how you can do it too!
    Start Time: Today, May 30 at 11:00pm
    End Time: Wednesday, June 30 at 2:00am

    gg Brian
  • LethaLLethaL June 2010
    i got the same invitation from him, i received the invitation few days ago but didn't care to check who invited me
  • JAmmYJAmmY June 2010
    hahaha fag
  • ErlingErling June 2010
    I like where this is going.
  • NunesNunes June 2010
  • AlfyAlfy June 2010
    What? Jealous?
  • PhilPhil June 2010
    On a similar note, if you don't see me on facebook, its not because I hate you, but because I deleted my account. This forum is a much better way to contact me anyways.

    Also, Alfy...hahaha!
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