Wave was used extensively with much success this past week and ZendCon. A few dozen people used it to track notes and developments from the various sessions and keynotes, and it is proving to be an awesome resource post-conference.
It is buggy as hell, but I definitely like where it is going.
I also understand that "waves" are highly customizable, in a way that makes the actual capabilities of this shit kind of unknown. I know that I can think of a couple dozen ways this could be useful where I work, and I don't even do that much collaboration... But that assumes that the people I work with would figure this thing out, and I'm not quite sure how long that would take me to do myself.
Haha, Andrew. I was actually thinking something along the same lines. I could see this thing taking off huge - if people can figure it out. Everyone I know that knows a half-shit about programming sees this as a great tool for developers but I'm struggling to see any of my "common user" adopting it - even if it may be a much greater tool for communication than AIM etc. Although once there's an extension for messaging software instead of using the browser I can see that part taking off.