I hate the Lakers. Why must I go to school in the city with the most obnoxious sports fans, especially when I am the sole fan from opposing Finals contestant. My emotional tides in the past five hours could not have been worse....copious amounts of alcohol and a ridiculously cheery concert after the game has not stemmed this wave of loathing.
i'd rather take a rusty razor to my sack than watch baseball and/or hockey. thank you coffee, you are the only one here who i can converse intelligently with
this is why I stand by my earlier claim of being surrounded by unbearably obnoxious Laker fans...can literally hear this shit from my room from the staples center
and i just want to reiterate that none of this would be possible without the los angeles lakers here tonight and back in los angeles and now its time to bring this trophy back to los angeles to hang up another banner in los angeles for the los angeles lakers that are back here and in los angeles that won the finals tonight so they can hang up another banner in los angeles!