But I know a few people from previous jobs, so I might have an advantage? idk. It really depends on what kind of work you're looking for. Details?
Last time I was looking, I combined monster and linkedin. I posted through monster and got my referrals from linkedin, which keeps me at least remotely in touch with people I worked with several years ago. I got a couple of responses that way but ended up taking a job through a friend where I'm at now, so I only just followed up with those responses.
Looking for work always sucks, I didn't mean to demean your efforts.
Networking can be the single greatest tool you can use to find a job you enjoy, so I also endorse linkedin. However, networking takes time, so it isn't something you can only do right before you want to be hired.
You can always try something like monster.com, but I also think keeping an eye out in online classifieds (craigslist) is a solid option. Either way, you are going to have a difficult time finding a job in Michigan.
craigslist has been useful for friends in the past. also, check with your school (current or former) and hop into advising and ask about careers. if anything they'll at least point you into a direction that would work.