So the start of the week sucked .. Found out that jessy are 4 year old has type 1 diabetes.. pretty much came out of no where.. so we been going back and forward to the hosp she at while we try to get her meds all set and such.. i do hate ins compy for being fucking ass hole and saying they wont give this or that but the funny thing is one of the item that she need was coved but the other item that goes into said item is not which i think is really dumb so after yelling and such over someone over the phone we had to get something else.. I just brunt out need a vaction or something
I grew up with someone who had type 1 diabetes. She had a port installed in her hip for injections (makes it far less painful), and with a balanced diet it rarely effects her daily life. Best of luck to your family and i'm sure things will work out!