• hexenwulfhexenwulf April 2009
    For those of you who are fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 go here. DO IT!

    Done by the guys of MST3K
  • NunesNunes April 2009

    image/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

    I have all 150 GB of MST3K and damn near all of the rifftrax (paid for actually...). Rifftrax is Mike Nelson's project, but Joel Hodgson (the series creator and gadget man) has another rifftrax-like entity known as Cinimatic Titanic, which I've been meaning to look into.

    Some of the funniest men ever to grace the boob tube.
  • AlfyAlfy April 2009
    There have been rumors about them all coming back together for a project...

    That is only a rumor though.
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