  • JonobonoJonobono November 2008
    ow em gee.

    This is one of the many reasons the rest of the world hates us. I wish 12 year olds could infact comprehend how retarded this is.

    It was good for some very cheap laughs though. I found that i was laughing out loud and couldn't even look at the moniter, because it just seems like I was laughing at something terrible.

    //edit, like a fat guy getting pulled down a rain soaked hill while trying to help the person at the bottom get up. In other news, the person by the name of pheylan is a dirty cunt.
  • NunesNunes November 2008
    I just watched it with the sound off. It's much more entertaining that way. Maybe play some classical music and watch their hopes get shattered.
  • I was wondering if it was staged.

    The fact that it didn't seem to be struck me as the funniest thing about it.

  • JonobonoJonobono November 2008
    As young as those girls are, i doubt you could get such a performance. Plus knowing how "crazy" teen girls went over that guy. I don't understand which one of them had the idea to video tape it or if the camera was hidden.
  • AlfyAlfy November 2008
    I want that minute of my life back.
  • 0%3Duid%28root%290=uid(root) December 2008
    love it
  • TrueBelieverTrueBeliever December 2008

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