Interest rate cuts.
  • mungomungo October 2008
    Happening in one minute.
  • NunesNunes October 2008
    Increased inflation is awesome! It's like the fed has two tools at their disposal (3 if you ask Keynes) and they refuse to think outside of that framework...

    "If we cut the rates then inflation speeds up!"
    "But if we don't cut the rates how will we open up the credit market!"

    edit: to what by the way? Isn't it like 1.25 now? Sounds like it'd be bad news if they went below 1... that's like giving away free money to banks while the banks get to continue citing a weak economy as a reason for a credit freeze.
  • mungomungo October 2008
    50 bps reduction to 1%. Anticipated.
  • GovernorGovernor October 2008
    MMMMM federal reserve goodness...

    That shit's like crack, yo!
  • NunesNunes October 2008
    Isn't it generally bad when the rate of inflation is higher than the interest rate?
  • JeddHamptonJeddHampton October 2008
    Wait... what did Russia do to ruin its economy way back when? Oh yeah... they printed tons of money.
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