The market seems to have leveled off actually. I'm sure there's a bunch of math and stuff I'm not familiar with at all, but just based on the charts, the market dropped off a SHITLOAD earlier, but now you see some positive and negative days, and throughout the day it goes from up to down to up, and each day the size of the fluctuations gets a bit smaller. I thought we were seeing the end of the decline and we were just in for a decade or so of stagnation.
Would you mind elaborating on what a limit-down level is?
The market seems to have leveled off actually. I'm sure there's a bunch of math and stuff I'm not familiar with at all, but just based on the charts, the market dropped off a SHITLOAD earlier, but now you see some positive and negative days, and throughout the day it goes from up to down to up, and each day the size of the fluctuations gets a bit smaller. I thought we were seeing the end of the decline and we were just in for a decade or so of stagnation.
Would you mind elaborating on what a limit-down level is?
Just think of it with a little reverse directional analogy: the shit has hit the fan.
What's caused the sudden lack of faith guys? Weren't you both saying that things weren't that bad when they passed the rescue bill and the bottom fell out from the DOW?